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Extra Curricular Clubs

We run a variety of after-school clubs on a weekly basis.If you don't fancy sports, we have choir, lego and gardening to keep you busy. We try not to, but unfortunately sometimes we have to cancel due to staff commitments or poor weather. We let parents know by text or on the newsletter if this is the case.

Day Club Age Staff Time
Monday Gardening All Mrs Strickland 3:30-4:30
Tuesday Art  KS1 Mrs Laurence 12:55 - 1:30


Lego All Mr Norton 3:30 - 4:15
Wednesday Craft Club KS2 Mrs Scowen 3:30-4:30
Thursday Choir All Miss Trofa 12:55 - 1:30
Thursday Sports Club KS1 Mr Norton 3:30 - 4:15
Friday Sports Club KS2 Mr Norton 3:30 - 4:30